I had a great appointment with Dr. Chung yesterday. I had to do the Glucose test and a couple other blood tests. We did another sonogram as well. If I can figure out the cd they gave me, I can show everyone the movie. The program doesn't like mac computers though.
The little Blueberry is SO big!! I mean, he's normal sized, but so big considering the last time we saw him. And he was moving and kicking during the entire sonogram. He is still head up right now. Hope he turns soon, not only for the correct birth position, but he likes to kick my butt too. It can get uncomfortable. He's doing it right now. It is strange that I'm able to feel his head. I figured that's what it was, but the sonogram confirmed it. It is just to the left and slightly higher than my belly button (well, just under my ribs). He is a very healthy baby with a strong heart. And still totally a boy!
Apparently Dr. Chung is also a skin doctor. I had made an appt. with the skin clinic there, not realizing that it is the same doctor! I have had a spot on my leg that has bugged me for years. I finally was able to have it checked out. It is just hyperpigmentation. Dr. Chung lasered it right off for me! Yay! It should be 95-100% gone. Such a relief.
I also had a great lunch with a friend from the Expat Moms Blog. We ended up talking for several hours in a deserted Indian Restaurant.* Very nice. She has two amazing children, and a lot of the same ideas about birth and parenting that Justin and I do. It was great to talk to someone like that.
So I'm doing the waiting game again now. 5 more days til I get on that plane home. At the moment Justin and I are hanging around the house, relaxing but bored. We are thinking about making a little trip somewhere, maybe Suwon. I'm just so tired of all the walking it takes to do anything here. We'll see. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
*for those who might want to know, the Indian Restaurant was in Itaewon above the Smoky Saloon. I had seen their sign for a lunch special and wanted to try them. The food was very good, but not at all spicy. The 7,000won set comes with a soup, salad, samosa, 1pc tandoori chicken, chicken curry, rice, all the naan you can eat (or I could eat), and a chai tea or coffee to finish with. Very yummy and a great price. I was surprised there was NO ONE there. It is off the main strip though. The service was amazing. The waiter was SO nice. Again, only ones there though. Hehe.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Kicking away...
We can feel our little boy just kickin' away these days. It's awesome. Developmental websites say this is the best time to feel little one's kicking since they are big enough to feel it and small enough not to be overly cramped. Night before last I think Caroline counted about 65 kicks. He reacts really well to my voice, going so far as to kick when I ask him to. He definitely knows his Daddy's voice. We are going to make a few recordings of my voice for Caroline's trip back to the states. I'm gonna miss my girl and my little boy.
Orientation was a couple weeks ago. I haven't posted on it cause I've been trying to forget about it for the most part. It was dreadfully boring. At least all the official stuff was. Lots of boring lectures. A few of which led by people who should not be speaking to hundreds of native English speakers. Fortunately I was roomed with Aaron, a teacher friend of mine. We managed to make the best of it. Mostly that meant reading books under desks and doing our best to do as little "productive" stuff as possible. We have a skit we had to do based on conflict resolution. Very little effort was involved. Then there was a co-teaching skit we were supposed to do. Unfortunately the teams that went before us took too long and we never got to go. Darn! We had decided to teach about zombies for our skit. It would have been pretty cool. The food was ok, though breakfast was very scant.
After the required stuff was over, then things got going. Man, people drink here! I wasn't drinking myself but everyone else more than made up for that. Aaron and I met a lot of cool people in no small part as a result of two large bottles of soju he brought and shared with everyone. So it wasn't a total loss. However...I was pretty resentful of being on "lock down." We weren't allowed to leave without giving them a good reason. I was unhappy, to put it mildly, that I was away for four days and three nights. Balls to that I say.
After the required stuff was over, then things got going. Man, people drink here! I wasn't drinking myself but everyone else more than made up for that. Aaron and I met a lot of cool people in no small part as a result of two large bottles of soju he brought and shared with everyone. So it wasn't a total loss. However...I was pretty resentful of being on "lock down." We weren't allowed to leave without giving them a good reason. I was unhappy, to put it mildly, that I was away for four days and three nights. Balls to that I say.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I know, I know...
Last week was VERY boring. Just hung around the house. But Thursday started my "vacation". I know, what am I vacationing from, right? How bout this: KOREA. Hehe. So I went up to Incheon on Thursday evening and spent the night with Debra. We had some sushi buffet for dinner, got absolutely no sleep, then got up early to head to the BEACH! Yay! We caught a cab to the ferry terminal, then got on a "sea plane" (whatever that means. looks like a regular ferry.). It took about an hour and 15 min on the ferry to Deok Jeok Do. Awesome island that is technically still in Incheon. Very rural. No neon. We took a little bus to Seopori beach. We were d
We were SO full, so we went back to the minbok for more relaxing. Around 10 pm we started to get antsy though. We went for another walk. We found several more restaurants and corner stores. There were a few people out on the beach, but nothing really major going on. A few fireworks to watch.
The next morning, we woke up to pouring rain. By 10:30, we decided that it was NOT going to stop. So we called Justin, who was making his way to the ferry to meet us out there. He changed course, and went to Kkachisan (In Seoul, about 30 min away from Itaewon). He found a motel for us there. As he chilled in the motel, Debra and I made our way back to Incheon. It was very sad having to leave early. I really wanted more
The people at healing hands handled the whole thing very well. They were not able to understand why I was in so much pain, and what I was explaining about it being like that before the pregnancy. They figured it was just because I was pregnant. They didn't even charge us for the extra time though. Not even Justin's! I would still highly recommend them to anyone looking for massage in Korea.
Justin and I were SO ready to go home after that weekend. We grabbed some Sultan Kebabs, and got on the subway. Thankfully, an uneventful ride home. It was a good weekend, in all.
Go to my flickr account for more pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sweet-caroline/page2/
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday...That's all I can say
Wednesday was an amazing day. We got some stuff done, and we got some news. But Wednesday was also a really bad day. It's never good when a whole country turns against you.
Ok, good stuff first. So if you don't want to read the bad stuff, you don't have to. We started out the day by making a trip to the Embassy. We had all the paperwork finally, and were able to get our marriage license. We walked over to the Ward Office and got "officially" married. All that entails is having the license stamped. Then we went back over to the Embassy to have it notarized, and the Consular Officer said "Congratulations, you are married." Yay!! It's official! It is so much easier to get legally married here than it is in the States. We still plan on having a ceremony and reception at some point when we get home.
Other good bit, we had a dr. appt. in the afternoon. It was the "body check." A much longer sonogram with a special sonographer. She took measurements of the brain and head, checked the heart, stomach, bladder, kidneys, and counted fingers and toes. We got to see lots of movement from the baby. We got to see something else too. An unmistakable something in between his legs. Yes, his. IT'S A BOY. Crazy. We were so sure it was a girl. Now we need to think of some names!! Any suggestions? We have a couple that we like, but are still very unsure. We are open to hear anyone's ideas. Thanks!
Ok, the bad stuff. I don't think I need to revisit that, actually. I think I'll just try to put all the bad from that day out of my memory. I'll just say that there was lots of going the wrong way on the subway, a preggo not getting the food she wants, and some yelling at a Korean man. We made it home safely, and that's all that matters. Really, what counts more than getting married and finding out the sex of your baby, all in one day?
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Ok, good stuff first. So if you don't want to read the bad stuff, you don't have to. We started out the day by making a trip to the Embassy. We had all the paperwork finally, and were able to get our marriage license. We walked over to the Ward Office and got "officially" married. All that entails is having the license stamped. Then we went back over to the Embassy to have it notarized, and the Consular Officer said "Congratulations, you are married." Yay!! It's official! It is so much easier to get legally married here than it is in the States. We still plan on having a ceremony and reception at some point when we get home.
Other good bit, we had a dr. appt. in the afternoon. It was the "body check." A much longer sonogram with a special sonographer. She took measurements of the brain and head, checked the heart, stomach, bladder, kidneys, and counted fingers and toes. We got to see lots of movement from the baby. We got to see something else too. An unmistakable something in between his legs. Yes, his. IT'S A BOY. Crazy. We were so sure it was a girl. Now we need to think of some names!! Any suggestions? We have a couple that we like, but are still very unsure. We are open to hear anyone's ideas. Thanks!
Ok, the bad stuff. I don't think I need to revisit that, actually. I think I'll just try to put all the bad from that day out of my memory. I'll just say that there was lots of going the wrong way on the subway, a preggo not getting the food she wants, and some yelling at a Korean man. We made it home safely, and that's all that matters. Really, what counts more than getting married and finding out the sex of your baby, all in one day?
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Last Weekend
Last weekend was actually a little "cultural". Not Saturday, really though. We spent Saturday night in Songtan hanging
Next day the plan was to go with a few people bungee jumping. Not me, of course. I would be the photographer. By the time we were out of bed and able to get others on the phone, it was too late in the day. Apparently the tickets sell out early. It also takes 2 hours at least to get there. So we decided to go to Suwon instead. It is about 6 stops away on the subway. We went to see the Hwaseong Fortress and Palace. It was very cool. The steps going up to the fortress wall were so scary!! They were huge! There was an awesome tree that is ov
So after a long day of looking at Korean history, we went back to Osan to play some Rock Band. We have also found a decent pizza place. They had hawaiian, so I was happy. It was a good weekend with good friends. I have spent a lot of time at home lately, but prefer it that way. The baby is growing so much! All my energy is used up. It has been great spending so much time with our Osan friends. I found out about the river here in town too!! It is very nice. Has a good path alongside and stepping stones to cross.
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