Thursday, February 12, 2009

Down in Pueblo...

So being down in pueblo has been surprisingly relaxing. Normally being in Pueblo just puts me off. Something about the town has just felt...wrong...for a long time. While this isn't any kind of indication of wanting to settle down ere it has been nice.
I've mostly been spending time with my mom though I also spent time with Jake, Kiera, and Jeff. Jake has gotten really good at painting his miniatures and the Keeper of Secrets ( ) Mom and I got him for Christmas is impressive. Kiera is doing well and Midori is, of course, amazing. Janet (Kiera's Mom) took us out to dinner at an excellent Mexican place. Midori got a kids margarita and , upon drinking it, got very tired and cranky. She didn't even touch her food. Silly kiddos. Jeff is also doing well. He lost a lot of weight and is getting an excellent promotion at work. That should go well considering Jesse is about ready to pop out her first pod person.
Beyond visiting I haven't been doing much. Studying chess of course. I made some excellent strides in my tactics training acheiving a high rating of 1626. I won't be going to any tournaments or anything but it is very nice to improve. I also bought some movies I've been wanting including the A&E Pride and Prejudice miniseries. So chess, movies, and visiting has been my last few days. Nice but I'll be happy to be back home and getting ready for Korea.
Speaking of which...My paperwork should be just about done being processed and will soon be winging its way back to me. Once thats done I'll send everything off again, this time to the Korean Consulate in San Francisco. Their the final touches will be put on everything meaning I'll get my visa. Then tickets and packing, then long flight, then adventures with my co-pirate! Good times will abound.
Co-pirate is still in Texas. Her exploits are recounted below. I miss her many muchos. RAWR!

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