Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Co-teacher.

Hello all. I thought I'd post some thoughts regarding my work. Let me start off by saying that I love the kids. They are great. Unfortunately my co-teacher is driving me batty. She has a large English vocabulary and almost 0% ability to use it in a useful way outside of basic "Hi/Hello" conversations. Her ability to effectively convey concepts is nil. Furthermore, her voice can get really high pitched. It grates on my nerves. But wait...that's not all! Act now and you can also get her to interfere with my lessons! Today's lesson had a game and the review of the lesson. the first class it all goes very smoothly and ends on time. The second class she seems to have decided that I was allowing them too long to play the game and starts the review ten minutes early, leaving us with a gap at the end of the class. What fun! Also I decided that when the class is doing prep for an activity, like cutting the cut-outs the book provides, that I'd play some western music. the Beatles seemed like a good idea. Apparently not so. She turned it off because it was "noisy and not relating to the lesson." Balls to that, says I. I'm going to have to have a talk with her about this soon. It is 100% not ok.

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