Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So things are coming along nicely for Korea. My papers have been sent off to Korea (They are in Incheon as we speak) and should soon be winging their way back to me with a visa appiontment slip. Then we send our final visa paperworks to the Korean consulate (The one in San Francisco I think), buy our tickets, and finally hop on a plane for our grand adventure. As such, a word about other preparations follows.
We got most of our extraneous belongings packed up and stored in Lafayette. Big furniture will just stay where it is and peoples can use it. Also, we've found a home for Dozer in the interim. A friend of Caroline's who she worked with at Camp Bow Wow looks like she will almost definitely take him while we are gone. We just have to do an introduction with her dogs at her house. Shouldn't be a problem considering how well the dogs got a long at the dog park. Harry Potter paperbacks books are on their way. I don't want to be without them and I don't want to bring those bulky and heavy hardcovers. Caroline's car is sold and my car will soon be Jenny's to do with as she pleases.
Between now and then some hanging out clearly needs to occur. Caroline is heading down to Texas for a week and her last day of work is the 5th of Feb. I'll be heading down to Pueblo for some of that week in a rented car after dropping Caroline off at the airport. Not the whole week though. At some point I'll make my way back up to the Denver area and hangouts will ensue. A party needs to be planned.
Thats all the major detail I can think of just now. I'm probably forgetting something. No worries. Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.


  1. Also, we need to figure out an effective means of online gaming. Someone should also pick a system and come up with something to run, too. Anyone have any ideas?

  2. Good luck with everything! I'll miss you tons but hope you have a grand time on your great adventure!

  3. I'm gonna miss you too. Sorry about the way I've dropped of the map. Life went Kablewey in my face.
