Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Through a combination of unfortunate circumstances I'm on the verge of losing my mind and punting some Koreans! I'm trying to transfer money to our account in America and it seems to be some arcane ritual as difficult as one would suppose raising the devil himself might be. What in the world is a swift code and why can't they understand me when I say, for the 5th time, that I have no idea what a swift code even is. Let alone what my American banks swift code might be. I'd like to think that it's a routing number, but the swift code for the bank here is letters not numbers so la dee dah! Ok...done ranting...time for a deep breath and internet research rather than being upset and relying on my co-teacher. The tubes have the answers...

1 comment:

  1. Did you find the answer to this? I worked at a bank before we fled to Korea (and I worked in the wire transfer dept.) so if you have any questions, I can *probably* help you out. If you're interested in switching banks, KEB is the best we've found. Internet banking all in English, English help-lines, and a couple of the people at the branch in Osan have passable English. I had some trouble setting up my wire transfer stuff with them, only because my bank back home is too small to receive their own wires and have to go through Chase first, and their forms were not equipped for that and it was REALLY difficult to explain but we figured it out. Anyway, I hope you get this comment since I'm posting on a blog from way back in April!! :)
