It was a wonderful weekend. Friday I made a trip to Insadong for some shopping. I ended up getting the best deal ever on some beautiful dresses. After, I went over to Itaewon to meet up with Karin, Wil, and Justin. We had a nice long dinner at Pancho's, a "Mexican" restaurant. Better Mexican than I've had here so far, but it really isn't Mexican food at all. The best part of the restaurant was the entertainment. It was this guy who is part Chilean, part Phillipino (I think), and he is a belly dancer. They lowered the lights, he wore a candelabra on his head (it was lit), and he danced around to Shakira. It was good fun!

We walked over to Spy Club after dinner for some pool. They had a huge bowl of sliced apples that were just yummy.

After about 3 games, Justin and I decided to call it a night and make our way back to Incheon. That is when the adventure for the night began. We took the subway to Seoul Station to catch a bus. There is a bus that stops right in front of Karin's apt. building and it comes every hour. There is another bus that goes out there, but not that stop. It comes every 15 minutes. So we make it to the bus terminal right on the hour but get confused as to where our bus should be. By the time we figure it out, it is pulling away. So we get on the other one instead of waiting an hour. Traffic was crazy, and it took about 2 and a half hours to get to Incheon. I was carefully listening to the stops for the ones that sounded right, but none came. We got off at the 2nd to last stop and caught a cab. We were much further from Karin's than we should have been. We are dropped off at the apt., but I'm completely disoriented. I know the building number though, so we start looking. There are several buildings in this complex, and they are all 20 stories high. As we are walking down a path, we see a mysterious animal ahead of us. It keeps just far enough ahead that we can't make out what it is, but it stays on the path. My best guess is a raccoon, but we aren't sure. It's bigger than a large cat, walks like a raccoon, but doesn't have raccoon markings. Finally it disappears into the bushes and we find the building (at the same time, really). We make it upstairs and crash.
Saturday was relaxing. We took a walk and waited for everyone to get back so we could start prep for the BBQ we were having. Karin, Wil, Tim, and Tim's friend Boyd all show up about the same time, and we start grilling. There was so much food!! Steak, chicken, Brats, shrimp, mashed potatoes, homemade applesauce, salad, cheese and crackers, chips and salsa. We put quite a big dent in it too. We met some new friends. Monica, who is a friend of Karin's, and she brought her Korean friend Stella. Lots of fun!! There was quite a bit of wine drunk (not by me, don't worry), and it was a great night. The next day everyone just slept in and watched movies. Of course, we ate quite a bit of the leftovers. My favorite part of the meals was Karin's Key Lime Pie. good. She even whipped her own cream. Yum!!

It was such an awesome weekend. A great Easter spent with our Korea family.
Yes, the dancer was as scary as the picture... I came in and Will made a poor attempt at pointing him out in a attempt to trick my into sneaking a peak at his butt. Thank you Denver for having such fun drag clubs to prepare me for foreign travel.