Friday, May 29, 2009

Another day another dollar...

Kinda fun day at work today. It was my sixth graders today, which I look forward to. As my oldest class they have the most advanced speakers and the most rambunctious attitude. Tons of fun. We started a new lesson today entitled "Can I have a glass of water?" Enthralling stuff. All the curriculum I've been given is pretty formal stuff and sometimes nonsensical. For instance. Two characters are sitting at a lunch which they, presumably, brought or bought. The conversation between them goes as follows...

"What's that?" Says Character One pointing to a box of chicken.
"I have no idea" says Character Two as she forks a piece of chicken and sticks it in her mouth.
"Mmmm...It's good. Try this." Says Character Two pointing to the chicken.

Seems a little off, doesn't it? As such, I've been trying to give the kids examples of conversations as they might actually happen. Less formal, some simple slang like dude, or saying go for it instead of "Help yourself , please." They seem to like the bee's knees which makes me happy. Good day today so far. Let's go and see what the night has in store.

Gotta go clean and I'm not sure how to access the draft. I'll edit this in a sec :P

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