Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back in Texas

We made it through all the wedding festivities. And we are back in Texas. It was so much fun! My brother's wedding was beautiful. The ceremony was in Sinks Canyon in Wyoming. Awesome setting. The reception was back in Riverton, WY at the baptist church. There was some silly dancing and amazing toasts. It was really neat to see Charlie's groomsmen there with him. We have known both Clint and Jeff for at least 15 years. Clint lives in Utah, and we had met him several times before. Jeff lives in California. We had never met him in person. To see all 3 guys together in the same place was crazy.

After the wedding was over, Mom and I went to Cody, WY. On the way there we stopped in Thermopolis. There is a hot springs there, and a bison pasture. We observed a large family of bison. A couple of them came up on the road near the car. We stayed at the Big Bear Motel. Great place to stay. I definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to go to Yellowstone or Cody. It was clean with nice beds, and the owner Bob was awesome. We spent one day in Yellowstone. That was all we could handle. We did see some deer and pronghorn, then Old Faithful!

The next day we spent at the Buffalo Bill Museum. It is actually 5 museums in one, and we made it through 2 of them. The Plains Indian museum and the natural history museum. It was so much fun. The rest of the trip was spent admiring the mountains and relaxing. Another recommendation is the Chuckwagon in Cody. They serve a breakfast buffet, lunch, and have a dinner show. We made it to a couple breakfasts and a lunch. Never made the show, but I'm sure it's entertaining. The owner of the Chuckwagon is extremely nice.

On Wednesday, we drove 8 hours back down to Fort Collins. The next morning we took my brother and his wife (!) to the airport and made a stop in Pueblo. Justin's mom lives in Pueblo. We spent several hours with her eating a yummy lunch and talking. This is the first time our moms had met! Then we drove 7 more hours down to Amarillo, TX. Friday morning (my birthday!), in the car again and 10 hours down to Austin. Not the most exciting birthday ever. In fact, I was pretty grumpy after a long day of driving and the HEAT. But we were able to fix that with an awesome dinner at Whole Foods (cheesecake....) and some sleep. Saturday we were up early and off to Blanco to set up for my brother's reception. It went very smoothly and it was so great to see everyone there! Rachelle's parents were there, all our family, and Charlie's friends from Blanco.

As you can imagine, we crashed on Saturday night. Sunday and Monday were laid back and easy. I am going to see my cousin Lacey tonight, then go to stay with my Nana tomorrow. Saturday is my baby shower here in Austin. I am so glad I have this time to spend with my family. I miss Justin though, and I wish he could be here sharing this with me. At least the time is passing quickly. He'll be home before we know it.

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