Sunday, March 8, 2009

First days in Korea!

Hey everyone. So no pictures for you yet but I thought I'd give you some idea of how things are going here. Lots of funny little details are different here. They have a lot of back alleys for instance. At least that's what I thought at first. Upon further inspection I realized that the "back alleys" are actually the roads. They have big just for car roads but most of the roads aren't like that. At least not where we live. Most of the roads are very small and don't really have sidewalk. People walk on them, cars drive on them, its a kind of free for all really. And there are nooks and hidey places all over. For those of you who roleplay it's the very world of darkness. Lots of little shops which are packed as full of stuff as possible. We also have a market nearby which is freakin cool. Most business is done out front of the shop. The market streets are covered which makes sense. Tons of fish both alive and dead for sale. Its hard to describe the market. I knew it would be when I saw a tank of octopus and squid on the street. Sick people wear masks like a doctor in surgery would. Since there are so many people and no conception of a "personal bubble" its about the only way to keep from spreading germs. the sidewalk often has "braile" paths for the blind. Right near our house he have a PC bar and a massage parlor. The massage parlor, according to Tim, is the sort of place where the "endings are very happy" and the massages kind of suck. I'm sure he's not talking from personal experience on this though. Apparently the massage parlors are marked by barber poles. If there is one, it's actually a massage parlor. If it has two poles...well you know. PC bar is kind of cool.They bring out out a little ash tray with some liquid in it for washing oils of your fingers and a little cup of really delicious coffee. Also it's open 24/7 so until we get the internet at our house, which will be soon I hope, this is our connection to you guys. Went and ate with Tim and some linguist friends of his at a nearby restaurant (and there are a bunch of nearby restaurants). They have a grill built into the table where they cook the food, you get about 6 different sides, they cut the meat with scissors. Its a pretty cool experience. I'm really looking forward to really getting our feet around here. So far its been a very cool experience. More later.

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