Thursday, March 12, 2009


It has been...different...trying Korean food. I think I really don't like it that much. A lot of red chili, red pepper, and fermentation. We have gone to a couple restaurants so far. The first one was right across the street from the apt. building. It was strange. The traditional Korean thing is to have pork or beef ribs that they grill for you at the table. There is a grill set into the middle of the table. Then they give you about 3 million side dishes. These include kimchi, of course. Usually several different kinds of kimchi. There is a salad made with cabbage and soy sauce, another salad with lettuce and I think asian mayonnaise. There was corn and crab, seaweed soup, and a few others. When the meat is cooked, you can wrap it in a piece of lettuce with some garlic and red chili paste. That meal my tummy was off, so I stuck to the meat and lettuce only. It was pretty good.

Night before last we went to a welcoming dinner for all the new teachers at the school. That restaurant was MUCH better in my opinion. The meat (pork ribs) tasted better, there were better sides too. There was some sausage slices, salads, crab legs, kimchi, broccoli, pickled radish, rice noodles with different sauces, and my favorite, a scoop of something like yams with golden raisens with a kiwi sauce. Yum. There was lots of food, lots of soju, and lots of teachers taking shots. Afterwards, they dragged us across the street for some Korean Karaoke. Hilarious! Even at the karaoke place, there was some strange snack of strips of dried squid w/ peanuts and mayo dipping sauce. And of course, more beer.

Last night, Justin and I went out again to a Japanese place. More my kind of food, for sure. We got a platter with over 20 pieces of nigiri and 2 rolls for 20,000 won. It also included some kimchi and miso soup. Very yummy. We will definitely be going back there soon. It is also flanked by Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins. There are so many sweet shops around here. It surprises me. Pastries, cakes, ice cream, candy, SO much junk food. According to Justin, if we are checking out the Korean culture, that includes the bakeries!! I guess that's ok with me...

That's been most of our food experience so far. Otherwise, we eat simply at home. Eggs and rice. Hot dogs for me. Had a craving. :) That's about it. Justin eats Korean lunches at school, he'll tell you more about that in his post about school, I'm sure.



  1. I envy you soo much

    All that food sounds so goood

  2. Yummy! That sushi platter looks goooood!

    I can't wait to hear more. :)
